
Hüquq yardım almaq ücün tez – tez verilən suallar

A power of attorney is a power of attorney given by one person to another person for representation before third parties. The power of attorney can be issued for any period (except for the power of attorney providing the right to dispose of the vehicle). If the term is not specified in the power of attorney, it shall remain in force for one year from the date of issue. A power of attorney without the date of issue is invalid. A power of attorney providing the right to dispose of a vehicle may not be issued for a period of more than one year. If a power of attorney intended for the performance of actions abroad and does not specify the period of validity is notarized, it remains valid until revoked by the person who issued the power of attorney.

At the time of drawing up a will, an able-bodied adult who is able to make a conscious judgment about his actions and clearly express his will may make a will. The will must be drawn up by the testator personally. It is not allowed to draw up a will through a representative

The certificate of the right to inherit shall be issued to all heirs or to each of them separately, depending on their wishes, upon the written application of the heirs who have accepted the inheritance in accordance with the procedure established by civil legislation. The certificate of inheritance is issued to the heirs at any time after six months from the date of opening of the inheritance.

The notary may certify the accuracy of the translation of the document after the interested person submits to him the original or a notarized copy of the document he wants to translate. When the document is translated by a translator, the authenticity of his signature shall be confirmed in the documents. In this case, the notary is not responsible for the text of the document translated by the translator. In a document translated into several languages, the translator's signature is certified separately for each language.

Legal advice