
On November 2, 2024, a seminar on "Actual issues of notary activity" was held.

On November 2, 2024, a seminar on "Current Issues of Notarial Activity" was held for notaries operating in the country, organized by the Azerbaijan Notary Chamber.


The seminar, held at the Training Center of the State Tax Service in the Shamakhi district, aimed to discuss current topics for enhancing the professional knowledge of notaries. The event was attended by Elshad Mammadli, Head of the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Anar Suleymanov, Deputy Head of the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department and Head of the Notary Department; Seymur Ismayilov, Deputy Head of the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department; and Huseyn Mammadov, Chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Notary Chamber. They addressed participants on critical aspects of notarial activities.


Elshad Mammadli emphasized the necessity of improving legislation in the notary field, preparing a development concept for notarial activities, and enhancing the professional training of staff to implement forward-looking measures for the development of notarial activities. He also highlighted the importance of notaries actively collaborating with the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department and the Notary Chamber. According to Mr. Mammadli, the notarial development concept currently being prepared will outline key directions for the sustainable development of various areas of notarial activities.


The event's moderator, Huseyn Mammadov, Chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Notary Chamber, delivered a presentation on "New Legal Regulations in Inheritance Relations." He stated that significant changes had been made in inheritance law over the past year. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in its decision dated December 26, 2023, made substantial amendments to the legal status of silent heirs, nullifying Articles 1246 and 1273-1 of the Civil Code. As a result, a new legal framework has been established, ensuring that heirs who neither refuse nor explicitly accept inheritance are automatically recognized as heirs and allocated a share of the estate. The new framework emphasizes the importance of the refusal mechanism in inheritance formalization, while acceptance deadlines lose their relevance, ensuring unconditional rights for heirs to inherit property.


Seymur Ismayilov, Deputy Head of the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department, spoke on "Practical Issues in Notarial Activities." He underlined that the development of notarial activities starts with its accurate promotion in society. By authenticating various transactions, notaries enhance their legal force, protect parties from fraud, and ensure their admissibility as evidence in court. This also helps citizens understand their rights and obligations, minimizing potential disputes. Mr. Ismayilov highlighted the benefits of integrating international practices, especially positive examples from German notarial practices, into local operations to refine legal procedures.


Kenan Rahmanov, a member of the Board of the Azerbaijan Notary Chamber and a notary from Baku’s Notary Office No. 50, delivered a presentation on "The Practice of Alienation of Residential Properties in Housing Construction Cooperatives." He explained the dual approach to property acquisition and alienation within housing cooperatives, including the process of becoming a cooperative member to acquire residential property and subsequently alienating shares through disposition rights. Due to ownership issues regarding the land on which many buildings are constructed, the applicable legislative norms remain underutilized. A study trip to Germany was organized in September to explore foreign experiences in this area.


Throughout the seminar, discussions were held on various topics, questions about common issues in notarial practices were addressed, and proposals were heard. It was proposed to establish a working group for in-depth discussions and the formation of a unified approach to current issues in notarial activities.


More than 60 notaries from Baku, regions, and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as employees of the Notary, Registration, and Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice and the Azerbaijan Notary Chamber, participated in the event.


The continuation of such training sessions aimed at improving the quality of legal services provided to the public and enhancing the professional knowledge of notaries is planned for the future.

Digər Xəbərlər

Notariat fəaliyyətində vərəsəliyin aktual məsələləri mövzusunda beynəlxalq seminar keçirilib


Azərbaycan notariatı Qazaxıstanın Nursultan şəhərində keçirilmiş beynəlxalq tədbirdə fəal şəkildə təmsil olunmuşdur

20-22 iyun 2022-ci il tarixlərində Qazaxıstan Respublikasının Nursultan şəhərində "Yeni reallıq şəraitində notariatın müasir çağırışları və inkişafı" mövzusunda keçirilmiş II Mərkəzi Asiya beynəlxalq notariat konfransında Azərbaycan nümayəndə heyətininin üzvü, Azərbaycan Respublikası Ədliyyə Nazirliyinin Qeydiyyat və notariat baş idarəsinin məsləhətçisi, Azərbaycan Notariat Palatasının Elektron notariatın inkişafı üzrə işçi qrupunun koordinatoru Zaur Həsənovun “Azərbaycan Respublikasında notariuslar tərəfindən icra qeydlərinin aparılması qaydaları” mövzusunda təqdimatla çıxış etmişdir. Azərbaycan Respublikasında notariatın elektron imkanlarını əks etdirən təqdimat tədbir iştirakçılarının geniş marağına səbəb olmuş və bu barədə Qazaxıstanın Respublika Notariat Palatasının “Notariusun bülleteni” adlı elektron jurnalında əks olunmuşdur.


Azərbaycan notariatı Qazaxıstanda keçirilən beynəlxalq tədbirlərdə fəal təmsil olunub

Ölkə Prezidenti İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə ədliyyə sahəsində aparılan islahatlar ədliyyə xidmətlərinin müasir çağırışlara uyğun inkişafını, mütərəqqi beynəlxalq təcrübələrə yiyələnməklə onların rəqəmsallaşdırılmasını və əlçatanlığının artırılmasını təmin edir.
